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Saturday, June 18, 2011

Offline Dictionary on Ubuntu 10.10

I was ever wondering if there is a way we can have a offline dictionary on Ubuntu 10.10, just like WordWeb or any other dictionary software that we could use on Ubuntu. After all the toil and work, I figured out that we indeed can have an offline dictionary on Ubuntu 10.10 (Note: This method works on Ubuntu 9.10 as well, haven't tested this on Ubuntu 10.04 and only applicable to GNOME environment). First of all we need an internet connection. This is how I installed the offline dictionary:
1. Launch "Terminal" and login as root user.
2.Type in without quotes "sudo apt-get install dictd" in the terminal.
3. Wait for the installation to complete, again type "sudo apt-get install dict-gcide" in terminal without quotes.
4.Wait for the installation to complete. It is a 23 MB package and will install dictionary definitions, while command at 3 will install the dictionary server.
5. Rest is a cakewalk. Now open the gnome-dictionary from Applications -> Office -> Dictionary
6. Go to Edit -> Preference, in the Preference dialog, click on Add.
7. Change the Description to Local Server and the host to and click on Add again.
8.Select Local Server from the list in the preference dialog and close.